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Monday 25 April 2022

পরের জায়গা পরের জমিন Porer Jaiga porer jamin

Monday, April 25, 2022 0

পরের জায়গা পরের জমিন,
ঘর বানাইয়া আমি রই,
আমি তো সেই ঘরের মালিক নই।।
সেই ঘরখানা যার জমিদারি,
আমি পাইনা তাহার হুকুমজারী,
আমি পাইনা জমিদারের দেখা ।।
মনের দুঃখ কারে কই।।
জমিদারের ইচ্ছামত দেই না জমি চাষ,
তাইতো ফসল ফলে না রে,
দুঃখ বারো মাস।।
আমি খাজনাপাতি সবই দিলাম,
তবু জমিন আমার হয় যে নীলাম ।।
আমি চলি যে তার মন জোগাইয়া,
দাখিলায় মেলে না সই।।
পরের জায়গা পরের জমিন,
ঘর বানাইয়া আমি রই,
আমি তো এই ঘরের মালিক নই।।

গানঃ পরের জায়গা পরের জমিন
মূল শিল্পীঃ আবদুল আলিম কণ্ঠশিল্পীঃ শাফায়েত উল্লাহ, আব্দুল্লাহ আল মাসুম, নাইমুল ইসলাম ফারাবি, মেহেদি হাসান লিখন, রাশেদ সামি, সাইফুর রহমান, সামশুল আলম, আমিনুল ইসলাম অ্যালবামঃ ইমানের দাবি সার্বিক সহযোগিতায়ঃ আদিব শাহরিয়ার ব্যবস্থাপনায়ঃ শরিফ উদ্দিন পাটোয়ারি সহ-ব্যবস্থাপনায়ঃ আমজাদ হোসাইন কৃতজ্ঞতায়ঃ আব্দুল আলিম ফেরদাউস সায়েম ভুঁইয়া মোজাম্মেল হোসাইন এ বি এম ওমর আলি ইকবাল হাসান সার্বিক দিকনির্দেশনা মাহমুদুল হাসান এম সি মামুন পরিবেশনায়ঃ দুর্নিবার শিল্পী গোষ্ঠী প্রযোজনা : দুর্নিবার সাহিত্য-সাংস্কৃতিক সংসদ।

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Pinterest Marketing

Wednesday, September 08, 2021 0


What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a social media platform in which users explore, share, and store visual content they find inspiring, helpful, or entertaining.

How to Use Pinterest for Marketing?

  1. Distribute your content.
  2. Build a community.
  3. Educate customers.
  4. Drive website traffic and boost online sales.

Start Marketing On Pinterest

Pinterest is a powerful marketing tool with the ability to help you organically increase brand awareness, boost conversions, increase sales, and create long-lasting relationships with your target audience and buyer personas.

You can achieve all of these things for your business by following the Pinterest marketing strategies we reviewed and incorporating the available tools and resources to help you succeed as a business on the platform.

So, sign up for a business account and begin creating unique and engaging content to market to your customers and followers on Pinterest.

Or, Click Here for Hire me through Fiber to get your work done.

Friday 25 December 2020

Sundarban tourist spot in Bangladesh

Friday, December 25, 2020 2

 Sundarban tourist spot in Bangladesh

Sundarbans is the greatest normal mangrove woods on the planet, situated among Bangladesh and India. The most lovely piece of the Sundarbans comprises in Bangladesh and it is 60%. It is the most profound with the various kinds of topographical period and fauna. On the off chance that you need to get a genuine encounter of the mangrove woodland, you should visit the Bangladesh side of the Sundarbans.

In the event that you need to go Sundarbans, you should contact a visit administrator or guide. You may likewise orchestrate a gathering visit. Else, it is hard to observe each piece of the timberland. Tragically, on the off chance that you go with some unacceptable people or travel service, it will be a finished misuse of cash and time. Prior to joining on the agreement for visiting Sundarbans, you should check the things they will go/visit in their visit bundle.

Best activities in Sundarbans:

I have referenced here 8 activities in Sundarbans. Most likely, it will be a finished agenda for you. In the beneath area, should check, spots to visit in Sundarbans.

Riding boat toward the beginning of the day on the limited channels.

Walking intently inside the backwoods

Seat unobtrusively on a lookout to investigate the woods at night

Go and move Jamtola Beach

Enjoy the sky around evening time and sound of nature

Watch River Dolphins and their kind disposition

Visit a natural life asylum

Always travel in an exceptionally little gathering

Saturday 28 November 2020

How to be Honest

Saturday, November 28, 2020 0

Here are key ways you can turn out to be more legitimate with yourself.

1. Recognize both the great and awful in your life

One basic way we swindle ourselves is by disregarding the "awful" parts of our lives. Once in a while it's simpler to choose not to see our issues instead of go up against them eye to eye.

The straightforward truth is that disregarding issues in your day to day existence doesn't fix them. It can even exacerbate the situation later on – on the grounds that when we don't speak the truth about our issues they can outgrow control. At that point what began as a little issue can turn into a lot more concerning issue.

2. Set aside effort to reflect

Simply take 5-10 minutes consistently to ponder your day. Ask yourself inquiries like, "How did things go today? What did I do well? What would I be able to have improved?"

3. Let it be known when you commit errors

A most agonizing aspect regarding being straightforward with ourselves is conceding when we commit errors.

4. Focus on your emotions

We as a whole encounter feelings and they assume a focal function by they way we see ourselves and get ourselves.

5. Abstain from over-thinking and self-fault

A major portion of mindfulness comes through self-examination, yet we must be mindful so as not to move too diverted and over-dissect each seemingly insignificant detail that happens to us.

6. Realize when to confide in your gut

The better you know yourself, the more you can start confiding in your gut and instinct. The more you tune in to your gut and the more you see how it functions, the more you can utilize it for your potential benefit when settling on decisions throughout everyday life.

7. Tolerating what you don't have the foggiest idea

Another vital piece of being 100% genuine with yourself is monitoring your impediments and obliviousness. This incorporates perceiving our defective information and understanding that you don't know it all.

8. Trustworthiness takes practice

Genuineness is something we have to rehearse consistently. We don't simply turn out to be totally genuine with ourselves short-term; for some, for example, myself, it's a ceaseless cycle. It takes steady mindfulness and cautiousness.

Friday 20 November 2020

Introduce to Rashed Sami

Friday, November 20, 2020 0

''Rashed Sami'' son of Kabir Ahmed and Nazma Akter. The third of seven brothers and sisters. In 1996, he was born in village Ahmadpur of Sonagazi upazila under Feni district of Bangladesh. At present, he is studying in the Department of Political Science of Chittagong University (CU).


Academic Background

At the beginning of his education, he was admitted to Mass Education and Maktab. In 2007, He finished primary education from Khaiara Haji Ahidul Alam Islamia Madrasah. He passed JDC and Dakhil degree from the Charkalidas Sobhaniya Islamia Alim Madrasa in 2010 and He was the first achiever GPA 5.00 in the Dakhil (SSC) examination this institution. Then he was passed HSC (Alim) degree from the Gausia Islamia Fazil (Degree) Madrasah In 2015. After completing his Higher Secondary degree, he was admitted to the Dhaka College in Bangla Department in 2016 but he did not there study for a long time in this institution. Now he is a student of political science in the University of Chittagong.